In recent years, manufacturers have done a better job at viewing energy use and energy management as part of the big picture when it comes to cutting costs and driving profitability. And while we’ve seen the increased adoption of frameworks like ISO 50001 and EN 16001 to better optimize and streamline energy management, many manufacturers are still facing challenges taking these programs to the next level in terms of results.
Often, part of the missing link in is the lack of a focused alignment of people, processes, and technology. In the latter case, while we’ve seen some companies make a coordinated move to make technology tools a key part of their Industrial Energy Management (IEM) programs, in many cases programs are still falling short in terms of their profitability goals due to a lack of real-time and asset-level analytics, as well as a poor connection between procurement and operations.
Energy Intensity's Essential Role
That’s something we’ll cover in depth in our upcoming webcast, “Driving Productivity and Profit with Industrial Energy Management.” Co-sponsored by and presented by Ameresco, Dupont and Entegreat, and presented jointly by Energy Manager Today and LNS Research, this presentation will discuss how to:
- Link energy procurement with point of use in manufacturing for better buying decisions.
- Better analyze energy use to drive both energy and manufacturing efficiency.
- Drive a cultural change of ‘energy awareness,’ and much more.
So register below for this one-of-a-kind presentation slated for May 22, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. EDT.
In the meantime, there’s one key performance indicator that ties it all together: Energy Intensity. It’s a metric that speaks directly to cost savings, but in many cases it is not being measured and used for improvement effectively.
To provide a more complete picture of Energy Intensity and its relationship to cost savings and energy performance, take a look at the infographic below.