APM 4.0: Redefining Asset Lifecycle

32% of companies say better manufacturing efficiency is their top operational objective, while 40% point to customer service, new product introduction, and supply chain responsiveness.
With 72% of companies squarely focused on tough operational objectives like these, they must leverage every opportunity to create value. Reliability and maintenance leaders must take a seat at the table and deliver value with Asset Performance Management (APM). It’s time to align to overarching objectives and help operations staff achieve their goals.
APM 4.0 is an evolutionary shift to align with Industry 4.0 and drive lower operations cost, improved asset reliability, longer asset life and better decommissioning and disposal costs.
This eBook discusses the path of asset performance management and how to reach APM 4.0 by managing the asset lifecycle in today’s IIoT era.
Complete the form to download the eBook, and get a clear picture of:
- Global state of asset performance
- Key capabilities of APM 4.0
- How to prepare for and execute an APM 4.0 strategy
Register now for your free ebook, APM 4.0: Redefining Asset Lifecycle for Industry 4.0.