Today’s manufacturers are faced with new realities in marketplace demands and regulatory requirements. To put it simply, the old ways of doing things are not cutting it anymore. The cost of relying on disparate, disconnected systems and technology, point solutions, and suboptimal processes for Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) has become too burdensome for many companies to effectively compete in a rapidly evolving business climate.
Where once the status quo, this strategy of legacy systems is getting systematically and surely cast aside as trends like mobility, cloud, and big data, combined with a centralized IT architecture are extending the capabilities of information flow and data contextualization across the enterprise. This “Digital Thread” can greatly increase a company’s aptitude in the full spectrum of operational goals and objectives. You just need to know where to start.
Regardless of your goals or industry, every business can find benefits in end-to-end data integration: quicker, more accurate, and reliable information, increased collaboration, and better tools to align operational and enterprise goals.
The Global State of MOM Software and Strategies
The infographic below is based on data collected from our MOM survey, completed by over 500 executives and manufacturing decision-makers across industry to date. In it we can see how a next-generation approach to MOM software is allowing companies to integrate systems and facilitate end-to-end information flow across the enterprise, and which applications are taking top priority in manufacturers’ improvement initiatives today.

Join LNS Research and to Pick Up the Digital Needle Today
For a much deeper dive into the operational objectives & challenges, as well as the tech trends and strategies that are driving value for manufacturers today, and actionable recommendations for success, be sure to join us on October 28 at 10:00 am EST for a free webinar: “The Global State of Manufacturing Operations Management Software—Weaving the Digital Thread,” presented by Matthew Littlefield, President and Principal Analyst of LNS Research.