There's so much innovation happening in the manufacturing world right now, it's hard to keep track of it all sometimes. This roundup takes a look at a different side of the driverless car discussion--their production. It also dives into three other articles around ERP utility, quality management maturity, and Environmental Leader's 2015 sustainability awards.
Driverless Vehicles Driving Manufacturing
This is a two part series published on Apriso’s blog by Fred Thomas as a response to his readings on the announcement of Dassault Systèmes and AKKA Technologies partnering to provide innovation to the self-driving market. Thomas begins this discussion with taking a look at vehicles today in terms of the electronic capabilities we rely on compared to past models. This evolving market will undoubtedly create a level of manufacturing complexity previously untouched by the automotive market. Also highlighted within this series is the safety and compliance roadblocks that lie ahead as well as tackling the consumer acceptance hurdle. Part 1 & Part 2.
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If you are interested in participating in the 3rd annual Product and Project Awards, your submission time is limited as the November 14 deadline is fast approaching. Guidelines? First and foremost, your product or project has to be related to the sustainability, energy, and environmental fields with the obvious benefiting goal of improvement within those areas. You can learn how to participate here, with some of the benefits of doing so below.
National recognition and validation from industry experts on a product or project’s strengths.
Promotion in the Environmental Leader Product & Project of the Year Report as well as many other outlets highlighting the awards. For internal marketing purposes, you will have use of a Top Product/Project badge to be displayed on packaging, website, etc.
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During her 2014 ERP Solutions study, Cindy Jutras of Mint Jutras collected data from hundreds of manufacturers to investigate goals, current challenges and to benchmark industry performance. During an upcoming webcast (November 18), Cindy will share the findings with the hope of highlighting the importance of your ERP solution in today’s competitive landscape. Learn more and register.
Quality management is a continuous improvement journey with a never ending initiative list. Companies are not only overwhelmed with making strides in these efforts, often not knowing where to begin, but also with wanting action items checked off as fast as possible. Our most recent infographic aims to shed some light on the quality management journey providing several examples of how to move toward market-leading quality in the areas of people, process, and technology. View infographic.
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