When considering quality management strategies, it’s important to note the different factors that may influence an organization’s approach to implementing solutions in this area. While most companies are in some way trying to cut quality costs and improve manufacturing efficiency, the type of industry and size of an enterprise are, among others, important variables that will ultimately affect that particular company’s pain points and priorities surrounding quality.
And many companies are now considering moving into the emerging Enterprise Quality Management Software (EQMS) space. According to the 2012-2013 LNS Quality Management Survey, which has been completed by over 500 executives across a wide range of industries, 27% of companies are in the planning stages of implementing an EQMS solution.
Diving into Quality Software Strategies and Best Practices
In this free webinar, Matthew Littlefield, President and Principal Analyst at LNS Research, and Dirk Dusharme, Editor-In-Chief at Quality Digest Magazine, will discuss the different challenges that affect companies when exploring EQMS.
Based on responses to the survey, this webinar will provide a framework for quality management best practices surrounding business processes, metrics, leadership, and technology. Through drilling down into real benchmark data on metrics such as cost of quality, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), new product introductions, and more, Littlefield and Dusharme will explain how a successful EQMS implementation can improve not only efficiency and compliance goals, but help create overall business growth as well.
Whether you’re ready to make an investment in the EQMS space or just looking to learn more about how some of the emerging quality management technologies can help you achieve your goals, this webinar will provide you with an in-depth framework of how to approach solutions in this area, and how your needs compare to those of your competitors. This free webinar begins at 2:00 pm Eastern Time on June 25. Click the link below to sign up!
All entries in this Industrial Transformation blog represent the opinions of the authors based on their industry experience and their view of the information collected using the methods described in our Research Integrity. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.
Based on 2012 discussions and research, LNS discusses 2013 focus areas for quality management strategy, software, culture, and technology.
Mehul Shah
Jan 14, 2013
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