Whatever your operational goals or initiatives, the odds are stacked heavily against you if your team lacks preparation and knowledge. In this week's roundup, we share insights on effectively training and integrating operational contingents to optimize energy management and supply chain security, as well as data on the rise of robotics.
As we're sure your organization does, larger companies require employees to complete training in an array of procedures and processes. Employee offerings in this regard have been expanding and becoming more attractive as the company, and years, progress. Merck is on board, and has recently included energy efficiency training to its list with the help of Schneider Electric’s Energy University. These online courses will provide the entire Merck workforce with insights into cutting energy consumption by 30%, both at work and home, and there are even certification options. Read more…
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It’s a known fact that a supply chain is one of the riskiest aspects of an organization’s operations. Many of the day-to-day processes are in the hands of others and out of your control, and therefore trusting your counterparts is critical. To create a safer supply chain, the CEO of Global Supply Chain Solutions shares seven security checkpoints: mutual goals, rewards, limited access, country visits, value sharing, historical comparisons, and training. Access this article.
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The verdict is in: In 2013, manufacturers purchased more industrial robots than ever before. That statement may seem fairly obvious as it's correlated with advancements in technology and automation. What's not obvious, however, is whether robots are taking away jobs or are stabilizing them by keeping organizations afloat. This infographic provides insight into robotic sales by industry, the change in human and robot workers since 2009, and more.
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Increasing revenue is the number one goal of any business, but there are numerous ways to achieve financial stability. An often overlooked route to take is by mitigating and managing operational risk. This can be done by establishing a framework that involves formal processes and software support. This article discusses why developing a framework is critical to achieving increased revenue. Read more…
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