Whether discussing manufacturing, engineering, service, or the supplier network, market leaders are often the ones able to execute in the present while keeping an eye on the future. This roundup discusses the importance of maintaining that mindset, covering topics such as sustainability performance, next-generation quality, the internet of things in manufacturing, and additive manufacturing.
The Hershey Company has announced that it has been selected to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North American Index. This will be consecutive years in both indices and qualifying among 12 other Food, Beverage, and Tobacco organizations. These achievements are a reflection of the efforts put forth for Hershey’s Global Corporate Sustainability Responsibility. The company’s environmental achievements include the following:
- 72% water reduction
- 38% waste reduction
- 23% greenhouse gas emissions reduction
- Corporate-wide recycling rate of 87%
- A total of 12 Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWL) facilities – including seven manufacturing facilities. Ninety-seven percent of Hershey’s U.S. production takes place at ZWL facilities.
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What is hybrid manufacturing? Hybrid takes additive manufacturing to the next level. It involves the traditional limiting additive processes and combines them with metal machining processes on a single tool. Doing so unlocks the opportunity to offer faster, less expensive and more flexible manufacturing processes. This article discusses how this new technique will unleash innovation, alter the way products are manufactured, and how you can take advantage of such processes. Learn more…
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Many quality management systems are completed manual with the use of several disparate applications to manage everything from documents, to quality metrics, to customer complaints. Though tedious, this system can seem effective for a period of time. So, why is it time to bite the financial bullet and invest in an automated Enterprise Quality Management System (EQMS)? Get your wheels turning as this recent blog post from Pilgrim Quality Solutions provides insight into how EQMS can improve your quality processes when you're struggling with audits, anticipated growth, visibility, and more.
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As a society, we've been hearing about and developing the topic of “The Power of Connection” when dealing with social networking, our personal lives, and the organizations of which we're a part. From a commercial standpoint, the more connectivity that exists, the better a business can potentially run. This can be in terms of ensuring product quality, operating efficiency or sustainability, connecting devices and machines, or increasing access to information. Dan Miklovic inspects how Internet of Things (IoT) technology and available tools for consuming and contextualizing small and Big Data sets today are changing the game for both the cost of such connections and their utility. Read more…
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