LNS Research Industrial Transformation Blog

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Virtual 2020 PowerPlex

LNS participated in Plex Systems’ annual customer event, PowerPlex 2020, held virtually for the first time. Three themes emerged from the event. 

The New Prize - The OT Ecosystem

OT is being affected by a series of powerful IT trends that are enabling new and enhanced capabilities, resulting in the convergence of IT with OT.

Changing Dynamics of the IIoT Market

What market dynamics are redefining the IIoT market? Two things stand out: the growing scope of solutions and the fragmentation of the IIoT platform...

GE Digital on the Move

LNS Research reviews GE Digital's continued product development that has clarified to an extent their general architecture around IIoT, Edge, and...

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The Industrial Transformation and Operational Excellence Blog is an informal environment for our analysts to share thoughts and insights on a range of technology and business topics.