James Wells

James (Jim) Wells is a Research Analyst with LNS Research. James Wells has 25+ years of experience in Quality and continuous improvement, implementing quality management systems, and leading digital transformation initiatives across several industry sectors. James has also led four Lean Six Sigma deployments and is a certified Master Black Belt and Lean Specialist. His main coverage areas are Quality 4.0 and Factory of the Future.

Stories by James

What is Unified Performance Excellence?

Gain need-to-know insights from LNS Research Analyst James Wells on best practices critical to transitioning traditional toolsets to digital...

It's not the Program that matters

IX Leaders report improved results across transformation initiatives, with KPI improvements appearing in unexpected areas. Learn more with LNS...

Quality 4.0 Predictions for 2023

LNS Research Analyst James Wells foresees big changes coming to the Quality space in 2023 from Quality leadership, factory workers, automation, and...

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